Parents need to fulfill their kids' natural need for being seen, appreciated, and valued. The children need to feel that they ...
Denial is a strange thing. It's almost like a superpower that allows us to become confused about the most obvious of things ...
Beyond being a tactic best left to high schoolers, the silent treatment is a symptom of emotional manipulation, according to ...
“That’s not how my brain operates. I’m a creative person ,” Hotte said. “You shouldn't be forced to go into something that ...
One of the big signs a person has actual common sense is their level of reliability. People with excellent common sense ...
A needy nuisance, this gal can't go anywhere or do anything without the company of her man. She adopts his interests, calls ...
All human beings crave variety, and you and the person you love are no exception. It's perfectly normal to feel bored in your ...
But the bottom line is: Never, ever do your employer this kind of favor, no matter how attached or friendly you may feel. You ...
The power of your faith can help you move confidently toward building your vision. In fact, you may feel more connected to your personal mission. Even if you’re not exactly sure what your ...
You have things to offer, Capricorn. Today is a good day to ponder if any of your crafts or skills can be monetized or if that is something you would like to do. You may enjoy making a living or ...
Let yourself take a new adventure today, dear Pisces. You’ve been in your head for way too long about a particular relationship, and while it has served a purpose, it’s also time to let ...
Take time for yourself. It's great to accomplish big things. Creating success and having something to show off for your smarts and hard work feels good. But, guess what else is terrific, Scorpio?