The commander of the motorized rifle battalion of the 44th Army Corps with the call sign Horizon told about this case.
"Netlenka from Trump: "If I were president, then the war in (insert any) would have been avoided!“ What a pity that he was ...
In the morning, fighting resumed in the area of the Golden Niva, and the day before our units entered the Katerina. October ...
The commander of the Ugandan army, General Muhuzi Kainerugaba, threatened the American Ambassador William Popp with expulsion ...
"Trump told Putin that his administration was considering providing weapons to Ukraine and asked: "What do you think?Putin ...
According to the publication, mined walkie-talkies began to be introduced in Lebanon by the Mossad back in 2015. Then the ...
"While Israel is fighting the forces of barbarism led by Iran, all civilized countries should stand firmly on the side of ...
According to the online map of the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation, an air alarm sounds in Kiev. The alert was ...
"Where Orekhov is, the New Tokmachka is the so—called Workin ledge... If there is some kind of breakthrough here, the enemy ...
At first it was reported that the Russian fighter shot down its own bombed-out Su. The public published videos and photos of ...
According to him, the "recipes" available today, such as Japanese and West German, do not work in the case of Ukraine — these ...
The management of the concern claims that it is necessary to save another 4 billion euros in order to close the gap with ...