Speaking about what crimes of his colleagues he had managed to expose, John Dougan remarked that they varied: “Child trafficking, sex crimes against children, drugs trade, even murders”.
Events in Ukraine have demonstrated that a state needs very up-to-date counterbattery fire solutions. What does counterbattery warfare mean? You have to identify the site where the enemy’s artillery ...
During the next five-year term we will modernize and restore all the roads leading to agrotowns. There won’t be a single bad road,” the head of state stated.
The president thanked all the executives, harvester operators, agronomists, machine operators, and drivers for the harvest and for their heroic work. He wished everyone peaceful sky, happiness, family ...
You feel and understand as well as I do and many feel and understand better than I do that it is better to work in the native peaceful land. We need peace. We need nothing else. We will do the rest ...
"Some time ago we tried to deal with issues facing Polesie and adopted a program for its revival. As it often happens, ...
The day before the head of state had visited one of Brest Oblast’s best agricultural enterprises Parokhonskoye, which reports milk yields per cow in excess of 10,000kg. “I’ve been keeping an eye on ...
The head of state recalled that more than a quarter of a century ago Dazhynki 1996, the first national harvest festival in the history of sovereign Belarus, took place in the Polesie area.
Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko is expected to take part in the harvest festival Dazhynki 2024 in the town of Mikashevichi, Brest Oblast on 5 October, BelTA has learned. The head of state will ...
Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that thanks to a decision in favor of developing the agriculture the country had managed to feed itself first and has now become a leading food exporter on the ...
Close fraternal cooperation with Russia is a great thing in today's turbulent world, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the ...
"Therefore, the leadership of Ukraine needs to come to senses and realize that the first thing they will need to do is to restore the country. With the help of people close to them, primarily ...