Eva Staronova is a founder of a non-profit cultural and educational exchange organization in New York, NY, and an ...
The new ZSE headquarters will consist of three underground and eight above-ground floors, with retail spaces planned for the ...
Slovakia's High Tatras mountains have entranced another international visitor. Zia, a young Scotsman, recently arrived in ...
The Ľudovít Štúr Gymnasium in Trenčín has cancelled a planned memorial event that was meant to commemorate the victims of a ...
Wine production is one of the few areas where the communist regime did not completely interrupt the passing on of know-how ...
How to make the EU great again? Tuesday, October 8, 17:00 - 20:30 in Austrian Cultural Forum (Hodžovo nám. 1/A). Slovakia's ...
The package was supported by 79 MPs, meaning all coalition members voted in favour, despite the fact that coalition parties ...
Slovak Railways (Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko/ZSSK) has rolled out a new option for purchasing tickets: SMS, available to ...
Fico does not mention in his speeches that it is in fact impossible for any entity to legally export "even a bullet" from ...
“One night is too short for the White Night festival,” she said, referring to the festival premises from Nové Mesto up to the ...
The Slovak Spectator, in cooperation with FinStat and the Institute of Family Business, has collected data from more than 500 ...
PM Fico intimidates journalist, government raises taxes, and how Americans in Slovakia plan to vote in US election.